Category Archives: Booked

Booked 2.7 is out in beta!

I’m thrilled to announce that Booked 2.7 has been released in beta. This version is packed full of long-requested features. I don’t care about the details – how do I get it? Eager to try it out? I don’t blame you 🙂 [button text=”Download the beta from SourceForge” url=””] [button text=”Give feedback and ask questions”…

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Booked Feedback

One of the things I love most about working on open source software is the engagement of the community. Booked has a very active community with a huge repository of information. An increasingly common problem I’m hearing is that Booked has a steep learning curve. Being in the application every day, I have blinders on…

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Extending phpScheduleIt : Getting started with the API

One of the big features we introduced in 2.4 was a RESTful API for integrating with phpScheduleIt. This is disabled by default but can be flipped on just by changing the config setting $conf[‘settings’][‘api’][‘enabled’] to ‘true’. Once you do that, navigate to the auto-generated documentation page at http://your_phpscheduleit_root/Web/Services/index.php (if you’ve got mod_rewrite set up with…

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Nick Korbel