Category Archives: agile
We don’t have a QA team here
Testing was a bottleneck. Bugs were being discovered by users in production. Obviously, the QA team wasn’t providing any value and changes needed to be made.
Ice Cream (cycle) Time!
We all recognize the problems of large batches in the real world, but so few of us recognize those same problems facing our software teams.
Escalators, Software Projects, and the Science of Queues
I recently started a new job. New jobs always bring new challenges like building relationships with colleagues, learning about the business domain, or getting up to speed on the tech stack. This job has all of those challenges, but also a challenge that I wasn’t expecting – getting into the office. Let me explain. The…
SimCity BuildIt – A Lean Software Training Ground
Confession time. I’m addicted to SimCity BuildIt. Ok, with that out of the way I want to talk about how this game is making me more conscious of lean software development principles. The gameplay is pretty simple – you construct roads and buildings, then produce raw materials and manufacture goods to complete missions and upgrade…
Look Mom, No Hands! Test Driving Code Without A Mocking Framework
I love TDD. I haven’t found a more effective way to incrementally design and build software in the 15+ years that I’ve been doing this. I have formed and evolved a lot of opinions about how I approach TDD, though. Recently, I wrote a post for EuroStar Software Testing titled Look Mom, No Hands! Test…
We Built the Wrong Thing – From Ambiguity to Stability
Let’s set the scene. You’re out to lunch with your team celebrating a successful launch of a new feature. Your product owner interruptions the conversation to relay an email from a disappointed stakeholder. From: Stakeholder, Mary ( Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:51 AM To: Owner, Product ( Subject: Can we talk? Thank you for…
How Transaction Costs Influence Story Size
Of all the aspects of the INVEST principle, I think the attribute that software developers have the most influence over is S. Small Small stories have huge benefits. We can control what gets built with much more granularity. Less scope means fewer requirements for the team to understand. Less for the end user to understand….
Test Quality in CI/CD – Expert Roundup
I recently contributed some thoughts on test automation in this Test Quality in CI/CD – Expert Roundup There is a lot of great guidance from all the contributors. Check out the full article! [ad name=”Footer”]
What Do DevOps, Test Automation, and Test Metrics Have in Common?
This is a guest post by Limor Wainstein Agile testing is a method of testing software that follows the twelve principles of Agile software development. An important objective in Agile is frequently releasing high-quality software regularly, and automating tests is one of the main practices that achieves this aim through faster testing efforts. DevOps is…
When will you be home?
What time will you be home today? It’s a simple question. If you’re like most people you go to work and come home about the same time every day. You should be an expert in estimating when you’ll arrive at home. I bet you cannot predict the time that you’ll get home tonight, though. I…