Booked Tips: Stopping Squatters
Booked is configurable in so many ways. In this article we’ll review how to release reservations if the case of no-shows.
It’s funny how many recurring reservations go unattended. Folks book a room and then never show up, leaving it empty for hours in some cases. Booked can re-open those resources if the owner fails to show up.
This feature is set per resource, so head over to Application Management > Resources and edit the Access for the resource you want to configure.

Next, set check in/out and set an auto-release time.

Finally, set up the autorelease.php cron job. If you have cPanel, click on the Cron Job tool and enter the following into the Command text box, being sure to fix the path for your environment. Set this job to run once per minute.
php /home/mydomain/public_html/booked/Jobs/autorelease.php
You can also set up a job to send reminders to people who have forgotten to check in. Again, once per minute, run the following command.
php /home/mydomain/public_html/booked/Jobs/sendmissedcheckin.php
That’s it! Reservation owners will have an option to check in before a reservation and up to the auto-release time. If they do not, the reservation will be deleted and the time will be freed up for others.
If you’re using the tablet view, attendees will have the option to check in directly from the tablet, as well.
Hosting and Support
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This article was written on October 31, 2019, so check your documentation for the latest options.